
World news 5th Octorber

1,What do you like about your school?

I like English literature and picture book. I can hear about English lessons.
I enjoy talking with my friends when we eat lunch.

2,What do you not like about your school?

It takes two hours to get school from my house. It is very distant.

3,What do you like about your hometown?

My hometown is very country and full of nature.

4,What do you not like about your hometown?

My local train is very inconvenient.

5,What do you like about Japan and Japanese people?

I think that Japan has very beautiful scene and Japanese is very kind.

6,What do you not like about Japan and Japanese people?

I think that Japan is a messy country.

8,This article that I like very interesting quize.
But I like that part of those answer phrase is not right.

9,I visit this article.
I think that Japan is very peace too.

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